Weight Management

Gyanendra Lal Shilpkar


Shyft Yoga Trainer

December 30, 2022

How Do I Speed Up My Weight Loss?

You dont, just be consistent and patient. There is no such thing like speeding weight loss. With such unrealistic goals all you is speed is your stress levels.

All comments

Asmita Saha

Rightly put👍

December 30, 2022


Can I join s&f classes after one month of wellness program to lose weight

January 04, 2023

Gyanendra Lal Shilpkar

Shyft Yoga Trainer

Yes you can 😇

January 04, 2023

Dr Shweta Rao

Shyft Yoga Trainer

Hey Shivani, the SnF sessions will help you in attaining your goal as they are fast paced sessions focusing on building core muscles by using your own body weight as resistance. This will assist you in boosting up your metabolism. You can once have a conversation with your trainer in the wellness class about this and she will guide you through.

January 05, 2023

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