High Blood Pressure

Anant Shah


December 23, 2022

High BP related

I prefer nut mix / seed mix / mmchurs/ ready made flavors. Can i add this to my salads, foods?

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Bindu Hk

Shyft Yoga Trainer

In forward bends, the heart takes additional effort to pump blood. In high BP, heart muscles tend to be weak and additional pressure on the heart should be avoided.

December 23, 2022

Raveena Mirpuri

Shyft Nutritionist

All these readymade mixes, flavour enhancers are preserved by adding additional salt to it. and salt is rich in sodium which can intern raise blood pressure levels

December 23, 2022

Anant Shah

What are some tasty alternative that you can recommend for adding to my salads? I don't have time to prepare something daily so it should be like a one time effort to make a batch..

December 30, 2022

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