General Wellness



April 07, 2023

Importance of SHAVASANA

Shavasana, translated as “corpse pose,” is practiced as the last asana in a yoga practice or on its own for deep relaxation and to rest our awareness in the more subtle essence of our being. This pose is called “corpse pose” because it is practiced by lying down on one’s back in stillness and silence. As we move through our day, we are reacting to what our senses perceive. The sights, the conversations, and the emails all cause us to have reactions and responses in order to navigate life. Similarly, the movements in asana practice give us the opportunity to witness the mind’s reactions as we move the body into different shapes and hold postures. Therefore, when we finally lie down in stillness and close the eyes, we can pause to integrate the benefits of what we have experienced while also relaxing into another state of being between waking and sleep. This is restorative. Never skip SHAVASANA!

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April 07, 2023

Ishani Nagia

@Sharvani i love shav assna as its a great relief after different postures n assnas and secondly as Sharvani has rightly mentioned lying down in stillness and closed eyes with mild music we reach to another space.

April 07, 2023

Rohini Kapoor

The best part of our sessions! I just love it!! Here I would add that Sharvani’s calm and soothing voice makes all the difference. Hoping to join back soon💜

April 11, 2023


@Rohini Kapoor ❤️ thank you

April 12, 2023

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