General Wellness
Sindhu Bhaskaram
April 07, 2023
As we age, it becomes super important to be extra careful about the "weight bearing joints"- ankle, knees and hips. Firstly, bones become less dense as we age, secondly, hormonal changes (women especially undergoing menopause) triggers loss of essential minerals in bone tissues. So the chances of an injury are high in adults over 30-35 years. You might have been annoyed with your trainers mentioning multiple times "protect your knees!" and repeated instructions on cushioning ankle/knees wherever needed, now you know why. In spite of us being careful, some situations make us less mindful and end up having injuries in fraction of a second. In the next posts I look forward to write about the first aid that's most commonly recommended following acute injuries (sudden injuries) and what can we do to avoid such occurances. Take care of your joints!! Listen to the modifications given by your trainers 😀
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