Weight Management

Pankaj Chaddah


April 08, 2023

Small, easy changes to daily habits that can have a big impact - 2/4 - the sweet tooth

If you have a sweet tooth, reduce portion size of the dessert to half whenever you have something sweet, and even more than half if possible at dinner. You might have realised many times, after uve eaten half portion of the dessert, u generally feel slight uneasy because you are consuming a lot of sugar. But because u love the sweet, you just power through the discomfort. If you have a sweet tooth, you (like me) must have something sweet atleast 2-3 times a day. Each time its anywhere between 100 - 300 cals. So, just halving it to begin with is a big win that you will notice in your energy levels and weight both. Also, reducing as much as possible after dinner is very important as the body doesn't get to burn it between dinner and the next meal.

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