General Wellness



April 08, 2023

Inner thigh pain !

Inner thigh pain usually heals on its own. All you need to do is give it some time and rest. You can speed up the healing process as follows: -Cold Compression (ice pack) -Exercises for stretching and strengthening Inner thigh pain can be simple, but it is usually caused by a muscle pull caused by vigorous exercise without stretching or by serious underlying conditions. Pain ccurs in the area of the inner thigh muscles, also known as the adductor muscles. These muscles are located near the groin. One of the most common causes of pain in the inner thigh is groin strain. Swelling and bruising are seen depending on the severity of the groin strain. Following postures may help to release the pain and relax the muscles. Practice only as much as your body allows, don't aim for deep stretch. If it's painful release immediately. If the pain sustains for longer period even after practicing the postures then consult the doctor. @Mohit Hope this helps !

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