General Wellness

Nitisha Rajpal


Shyft Yoga Trainer

April 10, 2023

Ways to Improve Your Moody Mondays

Feeling moody this Monday? Sometimes moods are hard to shake. Some ways to improve your mood mondays ✴️ Music - Listening to music can reduce your stress and anxiety, help inspire you to get moving and start with a good mood for the rest of the day. ✴️ Exercise - All forms of exercise — from walking and jogging to yoga and weight lifting — can help reduce feelings of anxiety and stress. ✴️ Reading- Have you ever lost track of time reading a great story or book? Becoming completely absorbed? Reading and writing can lower your blood pressure, heart rate, and stress levels. If you’re feeling moody this Monday, pick up a book and step into someone else’s shoes for a little while to get in the flow. ✴️ Gratitude - Saying “Thank you!” can turn a frown upside down! Being grateful can instantly make you feel optimistic, less self-absorbed, and more relaxed. ✴️ Laughter - This week make laughter a part of your Monday refresh! It’s contagious and makes you, and those around you, feel good.

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