General Wellness

Vikas Bamel


April 11, 2023


"Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you" Agree? I would love to ask from my favourite fitness experts present here, "what motivates them choose the right food every time, pls share any one tip each to help the community. @Gyanendra Lal Shilpkar @Arashdeep @Smruthi settlur @Sukanya @Sonali Sachdeva @Komal @Abhilasha Sharma @Prachi Kalra @Shailja @Aaryan

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Sonali Sachdeva

Chief Nutritionist at Shyft

My profession is my motivation......I have learnt that if I am healthy, only then will I be able to give my best to others !! To be healthy, I need to make the right choices 🥗🥗 There are days when I rightly choose to be wrong & this I do without begrudging🤗🤗so that I can stay motivated longer . My one tip to all out there is, love your food, create a healthy rapot with it. Indulging in your cheat favourites is absolutely okay as long as moderation is the key. Believe me, this habit goes a long way in keeping you motivated enough to choose the right foods most of the time then 😊😊

April 11, 2023

Vikas Bamel

@Sonali Sachdeva got it, choosing a profession which motivates us to keep ourselves healthy is an amazing idea 💡and the balance between healthy and tasty choices is the key. Thanks for your valuable guidance, this answered my doubts in the simplest possible manner.

April 11, 2023


As a Chef I never agreed to the misconception of healthy food being bland and not so delicious. With my cooking and my choices i want to prove that it is possible to be eating healthy and also not sacrifice your taste buds. Fitness is all about sustainability and not some crash diet which is not suitable in the longer run.

April 11, 2023

Vikas Bamel

@Aaryan knowledge is power. You are The Best

April 11, 2023

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