General Wellness

Pankaj Chaddah


April 05, 2023

Small, easy changes to your daily habits with high impact (1/4) - Tea and Coffee!

We often complain of bloating, low energy & inability to loose weight in a busy, sedentary lifestyle. Its a legitimate problem that ive also faced. Ive identified a few small changes that arevery basic that immediately helped me feel lighter, higher energy and also loose weight. Firstly, i thought Ill share some small changes in tea, coffee intake. These result in change in taste and hence might take a few days to get comfort with the taste, but once it's done you won't feel the need to go back! Typically we drink 3-6 cups of tea or coffee in a day, so changes here can have a significant impact. Not having milk in any (or some) cups in a day, and not adding sugar can make a big difference. These two ingredients, because of the high calorie content, will have a significant positive impact.

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