General Wellness

Bindu Hk


Shyft Yoga Trainer

April 25, 2023

No Tea addiction challenge.

I was addicted to having ginger tea daily thrice a day. Then last year I came up with a concept that I will have half cup in the morning and half cup in the evening to reduce jaggery intake. Then this year, I started to have early dinner by 5pm hence I was not getting time to have evening chai so I stopped drinking that one. Recently I took challenge to not to have tea for a week because it used to increase heat in the body and since start of March, I haven't had any or even feel like having. **Felt like sharing with you all awesome people**

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Jyotsana Khanna Biyani

That’s good!! It’s good to inspire!!! Even I stopped taking once a week nowadays!!

April 25, 2023

Bindu Hk

Shyft Yoga Trainer

April 25, 2023


@Bindu Hk do u add jaggery to milk tea or black tea ?

June 16, 2023

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