Managing PCOS

Riya Garg


December 23, 2022

Habit building

How can i develop good eating habits?

All comments

Vaishali Khanna

Shyft Habit Coach

As the saying goes - "Don't take a bite that you can't chew!" Pick 3 habits (or even 1 or 2) and try to be consistent for 21 days and then pick next three. Baby steps go a long way in building sustainable changes and encouraging healthy habit building. For example, start with making sure to have 1 serving of salad in each meal or/and 2 while fruits daily.

December 23, 2022

Riya Garg

OK I'll start with that. Thanks:)

January 05, 2023

Riya Rawat

Shyft Yoga Trainer

I would say "Do Exercise consistently". I find myself eating more junk when am not doing workouts or yoga. Since Yoga or body movements help us to become more mindful of our body and the food we consume, it's likely that you will eat much healthier when you are exercising more.

January 06, 2023

Riya Garg

OK.. that's motivating. Thanks a lot Riya

January 06, 2023

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