General Wellness
Sakina Hashmi
Shyft Nutritionist
May 25, 2023
According to the DII ( Dietary Inflammatory Index) these nutrients play a vital role in reducing inflammation within the body Here is the list and sources 😍 💠Vitamin D - fatty fish (salmon, trout, mackerel etc.) 💠Omega -3 - fatty fish, chia seeds, flax seeds etc. 💠Beta- Carotene - green and orange foods so pumpkin, carrot, spinach, bell peppers, citrus fruits etc. 💠 Isoflavones- soyabean, soy milk, tofu, edamame and legumes 💠 Magnesium- variety of nuts, seeds, legumes, leafy vegetables and dark chocolate (70% and above) 💠 Fiber - legumes, fruits, vegetables,nuts and seeds. 💠Flavonols - apples, dark chocolate, broccoli etc. 🌺 Big shout out to Turmeric excellent source of curcumin which has powerful anti inflammatory effect! Inflammation is a contributor to many of the most prominent health conditions. Thus, it is important to incorporate anti-inflammatory foods in our diet on a regular basis ✌️
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