Prenatal Health



January 07, 2023

Breathing technique for MOTHERS - TO- BE

Here is a simple effective breathing technique to be practiced during pregnancy and mostly beneficial during labour. CANDLE BREATH Imagine a lit candle in front of you.Take a deep long breath in and breathe out in a manner that you want to make flame flicker and dance out but not blow out completely. ✨No doubt pregnancy is a wonderful journey but it can be overwhelming at time making u feel stressed at times.Try this breathing technique during those times🌻 ✨It going to help you out during the labour too.It will help you relax the jaw, face and pelvic floor(Your jaw and pelvic floor are connected.When your jaw tenses,PF too!)

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Parul Khullar

I wish I knew this earlier :) nice technique

January 07, 2023


You can practice it now too :) Its a wonderful stress relieving practice.

January 07, 2023

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