Weight Management

Aman Kumar


January 11, 2023

Dark chocolate & Weight management

Have been craving some chocolate right now. Can I have 2-3 blocks of dark chocolate every day?

All comments


Mid week boost it seems 😄

January 11, 2023


Shyft Nutritionist

Hi Aman , you can have 80% dark chocolate unsweetened , ( rich in antioxidants )would suggest blend it with dried fruits and nuts and have dark chocolate dried fruit ladoos . These can be taken daily 1-2 , packed with additional nutrients and simply makes it a wonderful winter superfood !!!

January 12, 2023


Once in a week.. I guess.. For each and every thing when I asked my coach..the same answer 🤣.. so I makeup my mind by seeing any delicious.. once in a week 😉

January 12, 2023

Asmita Saha

Yup you're on the right track Shambhavi!

January 12, 2023

Asmita Saha

Hi Aman! My suggestion will be to have one to maximum 2 blocks of dark chocolate & once a week as Sambhavi mentioned. If you want something sweet everyday, try taking a couple of black dates, anjeer, raisins or even better a fruit!

January 12, 2023

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