General Wellness

Abhilasha Sharma


Shyft Nutritionist

January 11, 2023

The weather calls for some ‘Hot Chocolate’ innit?

✨Tips to make a healthier hot chocolate at home. ✨ - use low fat milk or use plant based milk if you’re avoiding dairy. - use unsweetened cocoa powder and dark chocolate. - do not use corn flour to thicken the consistency, instead let the milk simmer and it will automatically thicken slightly, which should do! - I like to add 1 tsp honey as a sweetener, you could use jaggery or sugar too.

All comments


Much needed! 🤩

January 11, 2023


Any brands of coco powder nd dark chocolate you prefer?

February 10, 2023

Abhilasha Sharma

Shyft Nutritionist

Hi @Prathyusha I prefer Hersheys unsweetened cocoa powder and dark compound chocolate, but you can go for any unsweetened ones. Make sure you read the ingredient list while buying, there should be no added sugar or other additives.

February 10, 2023

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