General Wellness

Nitisha Rajpal


Shyft Yoga Trainer

January 11, 2023

Some thought-provoking facts about something we all do thousands of times a day: Breathe 🫁

Your lungs work all day and night, whether you’re awake or asleep. 🫁 We breathe in and out about 20,000 times a day. By the time you’re 50, you have taken around 400 million breaths. 🫁 The lungs are the biggest waste removal engine in the body, accounting for the removal of 70% of body waste in the form of carbon dioxide in the air we exhale. 🫁 Lungs contain approximately 2,400 kilometres of airways and 300 to 500 million air sacs. If stretched out, the total surface area of lungs would be about the same size as half a tennis court. 🫁 It is possible to live with just one lung. 🫁 Your emotions change the way you breathe. Research has shown that our breathing pattern can influence the emotion we experience. Learn simple breathing techniques and meditation exercises that can be used at home, at work or beyond, to learn how to breathe properly, and ultimately, support our health and vitality. Happy Breathing!

All comments

Parul Khullar

True. Why not try this in class ;)

January 11, 2023

Nitisha Rajpal

Shyft Yoga Trainer

Sure Parul 😊

January 11, 2023

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