Mental Health




January 12, 2023

Doing nothing!

The only practice that is helping me from last few years is to take few minutes to do nothing.When you do so you realise although physically you are doing nothing but your mind is doing so many things at the speed of light without you being aware of its nature.It is continuously consuming and accumulating so many impressions from the sense faculties.Unless we sit back,watch our breath and thoughts we will never be aware of our behaviour or attitude or people or situation we keep on attracting or creating! I definitely make wrong choices while I am practicing to cultivate such kind of awareness but the same practice also helps me to realise certain deep rooted patterns that my mind is conditioned with subconsciously.We all have some decisions or choices that we are not very proud off but becoming aware and realising its root cause will help one to deal with the situation and heal oneself!That is when you will start taking the responsibility of your life instead of blaming others or self

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Doing nothing is also an art.. not everyone can do this.. we need a static mind. If I try to do mind does everything in itself ๐Ÿ˜…

January 12, 2023


Yes Shambhavi agreed๐Ÿ’ฏ....only practice will help us reach that point of awareness ๐ŸคžI am working on it as well and it's very difficult at times when you are overwhelmed with so many thoughts and emotions. But practice is what will help us ๐Ÿ˜Š

January 12, 2023

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