General Wellness

Anjali Singh


Shyft Yoga Trainer

January 13, 2023

Starting the journey - Part 1

My journey with exercise started way back in 2009. I was in 5th class. My parents wanted me to become physically and mentally strong. So I was put in classes for the summer holidays. The first day I went to the class, they were all doing warmup. I didn't know at that time but they were all yoga poses. When I saw the pose they looked very easy to do, but doing them was another story. I still remember how painful it was the next day, but I was still forced to go. Constant practice made my body more flexible and holding the postures made the muscles strong. So, during the class when people tell me that ma'am you are so flexible, well I just have to say constant practice and holding the postures make a great difference. I never claim that my body is flexible, in fact I have a very stiff body type from childhood. It is just that I got an early start to my journey. But it is not too late for you too. Keep testing your limits. You can do this!

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Consistency is key! 💯

January 13, 2023

Anjali Singh

Shyft Yoga Trainer

So true

January 13, 2023


Shyft Yoga Trainer

Hey, good to know how you started the yoga journey :)

January 13, 2023

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