Weight Management



Shyft Nutritionist

January 14, 2023

Will eating fat free foods make you lose weight?

No.. Eliminating fats completely is rather unhealthy. Certain essential fatty acids actually help losing weight. So if you eliminate the fats from the diet and do nothing to restrict the amount of simple carbohydrates like refined sugar, refined flour, aerated drinks, etc. then the body will not let go off fat as simple sugars spike up the INSULIN levels in the body- a hormone which is also responsible for fat storage. Carbohydrates are the primary source of fuel to our body and the stored fat is the secondary source of fuel..so in the presence of adequate carbohydrates your body doesn't see any need to depend upon the body fats for energy, hence no fat loss takes place...

All comments

Yashpal Gupta

Good information

January 14, 2023


@Archita is consumption of fat also important for absorption of fat soluble vitamins?

January 26, 2023


Shyft Nutritionist

@Prachi Kalra yes Prachi, fat soluble vitamins like Vitamin A,D,E and K are much better absorbed into your bloodstream when you eat them with fat.

February 04, 2023

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