Prenatal Health

Snigdha Raj


January 14, 2023

Is pinni healthy?

Prepared some wheat pinnis today, wondering if they are healthy?

All comments

Asmita Saha

Hi Singdha! Yes these are healthy & especially good for pregnancy. As I can see you've added lots of nuts & dry fruits here which will help to beat the winter blues. Do remember moderation is the key, as it contains ghee & other ingredients which are high calorie & are heat producing. One pinni a day is just fine though.

January 15, 2023

Snigdha Raj

Got it 🙏🏻 thanks

January 16, 2023

Sonali Sachdeva

Chief Nutritionist at Shyft

Do keep a check on the sugar content too. If you are adding natural sweetness in the form of dates/ figs/ raisins it would be way better than refined sugar/ jaggery too.

January 15, 2023

Snigdha Raj

Got it. Great tip, will try!

January 16, 2023

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