Managing PCOS

Arshiya Khan


January 17, 2023

Painful menstruation

How can I manage pain during periods? Is there any food & exercise that can help with the same?

All comments

Asmita Saha

Hi Arshiya! Yes there are certain foods that can help with reducing period cramps. Such as : - whole fruits, green leafy vegetables, lots of protein especially- milk protein, pulses, nuts & animal proteins etc. Ginger & turmeric can also help with reducing the pain. Small amounts of dark chocolate can also help in times of extreme pain. Do avoid other refined sugars, excessive amounts of caffeine, salt, salty snacks & spicy foods. Ensure drinking lots of water as well. Drinking warm soups really helps as well!

January 17, 2023

Arshiya Khan

Thanks Asmita, will keep in mind

January 18, 2023

Shilpa Francis

Hi Arshiya! There are also some of the yoga postures that you can try if you feel comfortable doing those during this time. Especially those poses that stretches your inner thighs and also some of the lateral stretches can help you depending on the intensity of the pain. Some postures include: 1) Butterfly pose 2) Wide legged forward fold 3) Side leg raises(lying) 4)Relaxing Child's pose with cushion support etc.

January 17, 2023

Arshiya Khan

Thank you, will try this

January 18, 2023

Nadiya P

Also, warm hot watter bottle/heating pad, take a warm bath or use a hot towel to applying heat to your abdomen and lower back may relieve pain.

January 18, 2023

Arshiya Khan

Yes this helps

January 18, 2023

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