General Wellness

Ankush Gupta


January 18, 2023

Books and wellbeing

I think one way to assess my growth in terms of overall wellbeing (mental, physical, spiritual) is to recognize the changes in the genre of books that I'm picking 😋 nothing wrong in any genre, but I think the perspective and the direction of curiosity also changes with time.

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Muppi Mani

I am curious(as my genre has shifted recently as well).... what genre were you drawn to before ? And what are you drawn to now?

January 18, 2023

Ankush Gupta

@Muppi Mani 🙌 well before it was more of "self help" books (mostly theoritical knowledge). Now it is more towards practical books - which suggests actual practices.. yoga/meditation techniques. Of course a balance in both is necessary. But I've found that only knowing and not doing is cheating 😁

January 20, 2023

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