Managing Thyroid

Charles Fernandes


January 19, 2023

Lethargy and Drained energy

I feel drained out through out the day. What are some changes that I can do in my diet to be more alert and active?

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Asmita Saha

Hi Charles! Ensure a few things - you're drinking enough water, not taking an excess amount of tea or coffee, not skipping meals, adding small & healthy snacks like- fruits or high protein snacks like chickpeas, foxnuts, soups, sprouts etc. in between your main meals,you're including atleast one source of protein in each one of your meals, you're including an ample amount of veggies & salads in your meals, you're sleeping well & stressing less. Now from this list try finding out where you're lacking & make the necessary changes!

January 20, 2023

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