Weight Management

Sakina Hashmi


Shyft Nutritionist

December 26, 2022

Mindful eating

Mindful eating does not mean choosing salads over shwarma. It means to look at shwarma with love, feel it's texture and chew each bite till it loses it's texture. Mindful eating also means to allow oneself to eat foods without guilt! Remember to eat and enjoy and not hog out of guilt.

All comments

Raveena Mirpuri

Shyft Nutritionist

That shawarma looks amazing!

December 26, 2022

Sakina Hashmi

Shyft Nutritionist

Ohh it wassss

December 26, 2022

Dr Shweta Rao

Shyft Yoga Trainer


December 26, 2022


Cheat meal 😋

December 26, 2022

manav parashar

How frequently can we have a cheat meal in a week?

December 26, 2022

Sakina Hashmi

Shyft Nutritionist

Honestly, restrictions lead to binge eating! Follow your hunger cues and listen to your body. There is no golden rule or any figure researched stating an exact number. Just do not feel guilty, try by not calling it cheat meals and have a diet which accommodates both an apple and a burger. Enjoy and avoid overeating!

December 26, 2022

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