Prenatal Health

Shreya Kapoor


January 20, 2023

Home remedies vs modern medicine

How important is it to take a nutritionist consult to tackle lack of energy during pregnancy? I'm in dual mind as I'm stuck between home remedies and modern medicine

All comments

Asmita Saha

Hi Shreya! I understand your dilemma. But the answer is within your question actually. You have definitely tried some home remedies by now & even though they are mostly safe & functional, every body is different so is every pregnancy. If you were satisfied with the outcome the mom doubt wouldn't have arisen. Our first course of action is definitely going for the nuska's but if they don't work it's good to take an expert's opinion. We will understand you & your pregnancy with our expertise & experience, and surely help you out of the problems.

January 21, 2023

Snigdha Raj

I feel a professional’s help is always recommended

January 22, 2023

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