Weight Management

Amulya Jain



January 24, 2023

Feeling excited πŸ˜„

New to the community.. any tips towards weightloss is welcomeπŸ˜€. I delivered a baby girl 5 months ago. Looks like a great place to gain some legit information from experts..

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Leila B

Congratulations and welcome to the community! Enjoy your baby...this is one of the cutest phases πŸ’š After my baby girl was born, I focused a lot on weight loss but struggled...now I prefer to focus on staying healthy which, for me, means having enough energy, feeling good in my body, keeping my cholesterol and blood sugar in check( since those have gone out of whack after pregnancy). The best thing for me has been walking, Yoga and including nourishing food in my diet. ..i try to incorporate fruits, nuts, Greek curd and seeds as much as I can and limit junk food to once a week ( let's be honest, it's impossible to cut it out completely) 😬 πŸ™ˆ

January 24, 2023

Amulya Jain

@Leila B thank you!

January 25, 2023

Sonali Sachdeva

Chief Nutritionist at Shyft

Hi Amulya. Welcome to communities & to the mystical world of motherhood πŸ€— As rightly pointed out by Leila, this is the time to recovery & re align your diet & lifestyle to ensure speedy recovery of all lost nutrition. Focus on including simple, home cooked meals, rich in fiber, high in protein & with the right amount of fat( too much won't help). Focus on including foods which help in lactation( this itself helps burn fat).Keep away from refined, oily, ultra processed & spicy foods. I do understand that you may have craved but resisted these during pregnancy. ..but it's a good idea to wait a while longer. What you eat affects your baby too in case you are breastfeeding. Include 2-3 servings of fresh fruits & veggies daily(avoid the ones which can be gastric). Take sufficient fluids ( water, soup, coconut water, buttermilk). Yoghurt is a good option to keep your gut clean( which in turn steps up metabolism). Include foods from all food groups. Stay physically active & bounce back

January 25, 2023

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