Managing PCOS

Suzane Thomas


January 23, 2023

Periods and bloating

When I know periods are approaching and I'm starting to notice some bloating, any advice on how to keep it minimal?

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Shyft Yoga Trainer

Hello Suzane.. Bloating is very common early symptom of mensuration. One reason is fluctuation in hormones during that period but there can be other reasons too. To reduce bloating you can work on these: 1. Keep yourself well hydrated. 2. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. 3. Increase intake of vegetables and fruits. 4. Avoid processed food. 5. And keep your workout good. Don't skip it. This will great help in reducing the bloating. Work on these and do let me know if that helps. Just check on all the points and see where you need to work😊

January 24, 2023

Abhilasha Sharma

Shyft Nutritionist

Having carom seed + fennel water can help managing the bloating. Slow relaxing walks and managing the stress effectively can be pretty helpful too.

January 25, 2023

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