Mental Health

Suzane Thomas


January 25, 2023

Community and mental health

I have moved to a place which has very less community activities. It makes me feel weird sometimes as I've always been a person who took part in a lot of community activities.. I can feel that's making me dull sometimes.. can someone throw light on the connection between community and mental health?

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Vaishali Khanna

Shyft Habit Coach

Hi Suzane , it's rightly said that human being is a social animal. We live in a community and we learn and get inspired by people around us. You are currently in a place where you feel has less community activities for which you can try pursuing your passion. Maybe drawing, dancing, singing, reading, writing a blog. Activities which make you happy and you were not having time to do them earlier can be restarted alongwith you can do online courses for better utilization of time which will make sure being in current VUCA(Volatile uncertain complex and ambiguity)world we learn each day and can make use of it when needed. Being part of a community can have positive impact on mental health and emotional wellbeing and communities prosper when the mental health needs of community members are met.

January 25, 2023

Sakina Hashmi

Shyft Nutritionist

Hello Suzane, i feel you and i can hear you! No amount of virtual connect can take over physical human connections. Did you know that giving a tight hug to someone for a prolonged period of time leads to the release of a hormone called oxytocin which is linked with better moods. Well here is a virtual hug for you🤗 and welcome to this beautiful community, i hope you are able to have some fun here 😍🫶

January 25, 2023

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