General Wellness

Gurveen Kaur


January 26, 2023

Menopause and hot flashes

Why do hot flashes happen and how can one manage them?

All comments

Asmita Saha

Hi Gurveen ! Hot flashes are the most common characteristic symptom of menopause. Due to the reduction of estrogen levels your body's sensitivity of warmth & certain factors change. If you can reduce the triggers the management can become easier. First is using a fan or cooling towel or cold compress to tone down the body temperature. Eating light non spicy less fatty meals also helps. Taking a walk or practicing light yoga can help in calming stress & reducing the effect of another trigger. Avoiding drinking alcohol & smoking can help so as wearing comfortable loose clothes. Now for the treatment part taking supplementary hormone pills can help as well, but for that discussion with your doctor is important.

January 27, 2023

Sonali Sachdeva

Chief Nutritionist at Shyft

Staying well hydrated & taking at least 2-3 servings of fresh, seasonal fruits & veggies can also help manage the symptoms ⚘️

January 28, 2023

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