Gut Health

Asmita Saha


January 27, 2023

16 points on how to improve your gut health ⬇️

Besides the foods mentioned below, here are some more factors to improve your gut health: 📍Take your meals on time 📍Avoid drinking too much water on an empty stomach 📍Avoid taking tea/coffee in an empty stomach 📍Drink tea/coffee moderately 📍Chew your meals well 📍Avoid drinking water & talking while eating 📍Avoid red meat & high fat dairy products 📍Avoid fried, spicy & heavy foods 📍Use onion,garlic , capsicum sparingly 📍Avoid raw salads 📍Avoid sweet chutneys, salty pickles & salty snacks 📍Drink sufficient water & fluids 📍Avoid smoking & use of tobacco 📍Exercise regularly for minimum 30 mins 📍Focus on stress management 📍7-9 hours of undisturbed sleep is also necessary Are you following all these habits already? If not which one you're going to start with first?

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Asmita Saha

January 27, 2023


@Asmita Saha much needed!

January 27, 2023

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