Prenatal Health

Asmita Saha


January 28, 2023

Types of pain relievers you can choose from during labour 😫

😌Self help labour - in which you or your partner takes part in relaxing the pain by massaging, rocking back & forth on a birthing ball. Walking around helps too.Lamaze classes are best for the preparation (we offer this service ❗) 😌Taking a warm bath can help, hence water birth is pretty popular 😌Inhaling a mixture of oxygen & nitrous oxide (gas) can help in reducing the pain [it's not popular in India] 😌Pethidine or diamorphine can also be injected to relive pain 😌For small term relief remifentanil can also be used 😌The mighty Epidural! Local anaesthetic is given through a thin tube which is passed through a needle near the back nerves. It stays in place until you give birth 😌Some hospitals use electric nerve stimulation machines to relieve pain Squeezing your partners hands during contractions does help, just don't squeeze the neck😅 🚨Caution - before choosing any of these for your labour, do discuss with your obgyn.

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Love the post!

January 28, 2023

Asmita Saha

@Prachi Kalra I am glad you liked it🤗

January 28, 2023

Nadiya P

"Just don't squeeze the neck " 😂very informative with a pinch of humour 👏

January 29, 2023

Asmita Saha

@Nadiya P haha yes!

January 29, 2023

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