General Wellness

Nadiya P


February 02, 2023

Feeling fresh and best at my energy post the session.

Revitalise yoga helps in loosening muscles and joints also remove the stiffness and thus allow the proper flow of the blood. Usually, when we sleep, our muscles rest, and layers of connective tissue and bodily fluids can build up. These tissues can cause stiffness and need to be released after waking up. If we avoid stretching or any exercises in the morning, these fluids build up, become thicker causing more stiffness which can lead to tight muscles or pains in the joints. Starting my day with Shyft Revitalize Yoga session 🧘

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So we have to stretched after getting up right ?

February 02, 2023

Nadiya P

@Sabeen Yes!! Yoga’s a great thing to do when you first wake up, just to move the body and get the blood flowingIf you can go through just a few simple yoga poses in the morning, your body is going to be awake but your mind is also going to be feel more awake and you’ll feel refreshed.Doing yoga in the morning also allows you to de-stress at the start of your day instead of at the end, kicking off a more balanced day ahead. I practiced the Vital Yoga for Morning from the recorded section of our application. 😃

February 02, 2023


Thank you

February 02, 2023

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