Managing PCOS

Suzane Thomas


February 02, 2023

Gratitude practice

There's a gratitude practice done towards the end of every yoga class. Are there any guidelines to do that on my own? Kindly help.

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February 04, 2023

Chumki Sinha

Shyft Yoga Trainer

Hi Suzane , There are 2 key components of practicing gratitude : 1.We affirm the good things we’ve received 2.We acknowledge the role other people play in providing our lives with goodness You can start practicing gratitude daily by : Starting a gratitude journal where you can write down the things you are thankful of . Practice present moment gratitude like "I am grateful of ..." Set a time of the day for your practice, it can be morning when you wake up or night before you go to sleep . Reflect on your emotions Share your gratitude with you friend s and loved ones , appreciate them , thank them . Appreciate yourself . Hope this helps 🌼

February 04, 2023

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