Postnatal Health

Asmita Saha


February 02, 2023

I Had A Baby And Then My Hair Fell Out~ a new mother's tale [Post no. 108🌟]

During pregnancy some hormones like- hCG, estrogen, progesterone, prolactin and oxytocin levels increase a ton. Your blood volume & circulation also increases. Both of which cause an increase in your hair volume upto 50% since hair loss decreases. After you deliver your baby many of these hormone levels drastically drop, especially estrogen as well as the blood volume. As a result your hair makes up for the lost time during pregnancy by falling out in bigger clumps than it normally does. you would have lost over the last few months. Onset of this postpartum hair loss can start any time after your baby arrives, but it usually peaks around the 4th month of postpartum & can last up to the 1st year. 💡Now how to manage this: 1️⃣Eat balanced meals rich in vitamin C, beta carotene, vitamin D, magnesium & omega 3 2️⃣Treat your hair gently & avoid styling and heat 3️⃣Use volumising hair products 🚨If the hairloss doesn't cease by 12 months contract a dermatologist.

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Kavita Krishna


February 02, 2023

Asmita Saha

@Kavita Krishna glad you found it helpful!

February 02, 2023

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