Mental Health

Asmita Saha


February 19, 2023

Suppressing The Feelings Only Makes It Harder To Let Them Go~ do you agree?

Home is the first & most effective place where children learn life lessons.Teaching our children to suppress their emotions is not only bad but can be very harmful for them down the road of life.🤐 When you suppress emotions for a long time they build up. The way you channel those bottled up emotions decides a lot for you. It can create bursts of anger & meltdowns. In the long run it can lead to many common mental health disorders like - anxiety, depression & alcohol or substance abuse etc.🥺 Not only that you're creating physical stress on your body. Notice how after a stressful day you feel tightness in your shoulder or back, or a headache or rise in BP etc. In the long run it can lead to heart issues & affect your body's immunity.🤕 To get out of this - 🗝️Try understanding, accepting & valuing your emotions 🗝️Share them 🗝️Act on them. If you feel like crying let it happen 🗝️Detect your triggers 🗝️Practice mindfulness or journaling if needed 🗝️Seek help if needed

All comments

Sunitha Bai

Well said our education system too needs to be changed

February 19, 2023

Asmita Saha

@Sunitha Bai Since education starts from the house & from parents, if we become aware things can surely change!

February 19, 2023

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