Weight Management

Asmita Saha


February 22, 2023

Is Having Ups & Downs In Your Weight Loss Journey Making You Feel Nervous/Unsure ❓

First of all you have recognised that you are having difficulties. I am so proud of you for recognising & accepting.💜 Trust me that's the first step. Having difficulties & ups and downs is what makes us human. Anyways what's the fun in being/doing perfect 😌 Now it's time to recognise what barriers are you facing that's causing these difficulties? Of course as your experts we are here for you but then again YOU have to self-motivate yourself first..... Today might be a bad day & I know why it was like that.But tomorrow I will start again & I will do better, not to impress my family or friends or my expert or society but for MYSELF. 🥰 Always remember you're strong, you're beautiful & most importantly you're enough 💕 P.S- thought some of you might need this today, because I sure did😇

All comments

Nadiya P

True,self-acceptance is the key to begin with making changes. Only with the downs we get to experience how the ups feel. ❤️

February 22, 2023

Asmita Saha

@Nadiya P agreed!

February 22, 2023

Yashpal Gupta

Absolutely right. Great post @Asmita Saha

February 23, 2023

Asmita Saha

@Yashpal Gupta thank you!

February 23, 2023

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