General Wellness



Shyft Yoga Trainer

March 02, 2023

Hip opener of the day: Wide angle seated forward bend/ Upavishta Konasana

This forward bend is a deep hip opener giving a deep stretch to hips, inner thighs, hamstrings and ofcourse a nice length and strength to your spine. At the same time it Stimulates the abdominal organs improving the digestion. Thanks @Mansi Birla for tagging😊 Which is your favourite hip opener? @Sowkhya @Kompal Negi @SUCHI @Kiran Mayee @Mrinmayee Ghosh

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Dr Shweta Rao

Shyft Yoga Trainer


March 02, 2023

Mansi Birla

Shyft Yoga Trainer


March 03, 2023


Shyft Yoga Trainer

@Mansi Birla Thank you!

March 03, 2023

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