Weight Management

Asmita Saha


March 03, 2023

"My Vital Blood Parameters Are All Messed Up & I Keep Gaining Fat" - BUT I Am Hardly Eating Only 2 Meals Throughout The Day‼️(PART-1)

Try answering these questions:- 1⃣ When are you waking up? 2⃣ When is your first & last meal of the day? 3⃣ Are you taking any unhealthy snacks between your meals? 4⃣ How many cups of tea/coffee are you taking daily? 5⃣ Are you adding milk & sugar in them? 6⃣ If yes then how much? 7⃣ How much water are you drinking throughout the day? 8⃣ Are you exercising regularly? 9⃣ How's your stress levels? 1⃣0⃣ How's your sleep? 🚨Most answers might be like this:- You sleep & wake up late and keep long gaps in between meals. Your first & last meals of the day are both late. You take a lot of beverages/unhealthy snacks during those gaps. You're not drinking enough water & unable to exercise regularly. Your stress levels are also very high. Some of these answers might not match yours, but until & unless you're able to tick off all the pointers you still need to work on the remaining ones~✊ In PART-2 of the post I will reveal why you're facing the above mentioned issues~🙌

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Nadiya P

Rightly said

March 04, 2023

Asmita Saha

March 04, 2023

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