Mental Health

Ameya Ambulkar


Shyft Ambassador

March 05, 2023

Is "your mind" and "you" the same ?

Q: Is your mind and you the same ? If your answer is "yes.." Followup Q: Does your mind trouble you at times ? If your answer is "Yes" Followup Q: Are you interested in troubling yourself ? If your answer is "No" Follow up Q: Now do you really feel you and your mind are the same ? ----- Like the Eyes are to see.. Mind is a tool which enables Thinking.. you and your mind are two seperate things. Once we realise this, we understand that when things get messy in our heads..the issue isn't with us.. issue is with the tool called "Mind' and hence can be managed, by practices like meditation.

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Jyotsana Khanna Biyani

Rightly said 👍

March 05, 2023

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