General Wellness

Vasantha lakshmi


Shyft Yoga Trainer

March 07, 2023

#Restorative Yoga

Gentle, supportive, and therapeutic are just a few words that describe restorative yoga. At its core, restorative yoga is a practice of passive healing. What's your Restorative Pose? @Sree @Pratibha @Deena Kamath @Arashdeep @Rajan @Vaishali tomar @Jyotsana Khanna Biyani

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Jyotsana Khanna Biyani

Please explain briefly more!!!

March 07, 2023

Vasantha lakshmi

Shyft Yoga Trainer

@Jyotsana Khanna Biyani restorative yoga is a restful practice that holds yoga poses (asanas) for a longer duration using props like yoga blocks, blankets, and bolsters. It is a practice of deep relaxation that emphasizes the meditative aspect of yoga—the union of body and mind. Through the use of props for support, many of the postures are held almost effortlessly.

March 07, 2023

Jyotsana Khanna Biyani


March 10, 2023

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