General Wellness



March 11, 2023

Yoga for Sciatica Pain !

The sciatic nerves are the longest in the body and are as thick as your little finger. They extend from the lower lumbar spine, passing your buttocks, down the back of your legs, and extending to the soles of your feet. Pain may originate in any of these parts – lower back, buttocks, calf, legs, or foot. -Yoga poses can help align, straighten, and strengthen the lower back, the source of the sciatic nerve. -Some spinal twists can also help relieve pain caused due to compression of the sciatic nerve. - Yoga asanas help lengthen the spine; this will relieve pain caused due to the pressing of the spinal cord on the sciatic nerve. -Time and activity could have made the hip muscles tight, applying pressure on the sciatic nerve. Yoga asanas help lengthen and loosen these muscles. -Simple stretches also greatly ease the pain along the entire sciatic nerve. @Sai ( Sai Sudha ) hope this helps you ! Try practicing these postures and post it on the communities.

All comments

Anjali Khan

Thanks there any way we can zoom the text....I cud read only a few. Need to forward it to my Dad.

March 11, 2023


@Anjali Khan Names of poses - Child pose, Butterfly pose, Pigeon pose,Supine Figure 4 Stretch, Bridge pose, Seated single leg forward fold and cross ankle forward fold

March 11, 2023

Anjali Khan

Thanks a lot dear

March 11, 2023

Pritika Kamal

Shyft Yoga Trainer

Thankyou sharvani very informative 😊

March 12, 2023

Sameer Ally

How to differentiate lower back pain from Sciatic pain

April 26, 2023


@Sameer & Rafique Hey, I have tagged you in a post on sciatica shared by another trainer @Charmi. Please have a look through that post. Hope it helps.

April 27, 2023

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