General Wellness



Shyft Yoga Trainer

March 13, 2023

Your way to get rid of Muffin-top fat

There are some yoga poses which I practice to work on the Muffin-top fat which include side planks, lateral bends and twists. Few of my favourite are ➡️Side forearm plank ➡️Triangle pose ➡️Revolved side angle You can practice these while holding them from 30secs to 1min. Start with whatever time duration you can hold and gradually challenge yourself with progression in holding time. ✡️Also try to keep your water intake up to the mark. Make sure there is no compromise on that as sometimes when you are feeling thirsty then you feel the hunger panks. So keep yourself hydrated💧 ✡️Avoid biscuits, chips and all the fried stuff. ✡️Take your meals on time. Start with this and then see the changes😊 Thanks @Dr Shweta Rao for initiating this.

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Jyotsana Khanna Biyani


March 13, 2023


Shyft Yoga Trainer

March 14, 2023

Dr Shweta Rao

Shyft Yoga Trainer

These are some great tips @Arashdeep

March 13, 2023


Shyft Yoga Trainer

@Dr Shweta Rao Thanks😊

March 14, 2023

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