General Wellness

Sonali Sachdeva



Chief Nutritionist at Shyft


March 20, 2023

The Buddha Bowl šŸ„£

The more varied the color in the food that you eat, the more nutrients youā€™re getting. This is the concept behind the Buddha bowl creation. It's all about ā€œbalancing the different types of food that you eat,ā€ and not eating too much of any one thing." A Buddha bowl, also known asĀ grain bowl, hippie bowl, macro bowl or power bowl is essentially a simple, one-bowl meal, typically vegetarian or vegan that includes rice or whole grains, fresh vegetables& fruits and plant proteins. Dressings like lemon juice or olive oil & sprinkles like nuts, seeds, herbs or sprouts add to it's nutrition. It is mostly served cold, so, is a great " on - the - go meal" .. but some versions are served with a warm base too. There is nothing as wrong or right in the way you take it. It's totally upto choice!! When animal protein replaces the vegetarian source of protein, it is then referred to as a ' nourish bowl.' In simple words, itā€™s a nourishing meal thatā€™s just little bites of everything !!šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š

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Nadiya P

This is just amazing

March 20, 2023


if someone served me ā€thatā€ everyday, I wouldn't start my morning with anything else...

March 24, 2023

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