Mental Health

Asmita Saha


December 28, 2022

Are you being kind to yourself today? 🧐

Ask this question to yourself... Is the answer NO✖️? We often tend to get overwhelmed & stressed out mostly in the middle of the week🤯. Weekends seem way too far & work seems to go on for longer, hence all the frustration & fatigue keeps building up till we get a breather on weekends.... Finally😮‍💨!! But how about we take a step back & give ourselves a few minutes daily to understand our thoughts, struggles & triggers🥺? Your body is your temple🎑 & your mind is the door to that temple. So nourish it with happy thoughts, good health & positive energy✅. This post is your reminder to take a few deep breaths 💡& choose any of the activities from the below reference picture & allow yourself to enjoy... The company of YOU🕗. So today for de-stressing, I am choosing to take a cup of warm ginger tea post lunch with my favorite Spotify playlist buzzing in the background. 😇 What's your favorite way of de-stressing❓

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