General Wellness
Nitisha Rajpal
Shyft Yoga Trainer
March 24, 2023
Whilst working on your balance & coordination may not be on the top of your daily to-do list, it is actually a really imp & little recognised part of health & wellbeing. Balance & coordination are part of your day whether consciously or unconsciously. Your brain interacts with your body when you’re doing various things. For ex:Getting dressed, having the coordination to stand on one leg to put your trousers or socks on,tie shoe laces,multitasking perhaps at work or at home. It’s really important to keep that mind body connection, & it can help with your focus too. If we don’t train our balance & our focus, like with any muscle or habit, if we stop working it our proficiency tends to drop off. Ways to improve balance & coordination with yoga poses 1.One-legged balancing poses, like Tree,Warrior 3 build stability in the ankles,hips & core. 2.Arm balances,including Side Plank ,Crow strengthen the upper body & core. 3.Twists,including revolved half moon improve coordination, flexibility.
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Shyft Yoga Trainer
March 24, 2023
Nitisha Rajpal
Shyft Yoga Trainer
March 24, 2023
Jyotsana Khanna Biyani