Mental Health

Ruchi Singh


Shyft Yoga Trainer

March 23, 2023

Acknowledge your feelings & state of mind!

There are going to be times when you are overwhelmed with everything going around. Feeling stressed,anxious or demotivated. Even tired of listening to people saying - 'Be strong'. Remember, it's alright to feel all those things. Acknowledge & notice them. At some point, bring yourself to the mat. Stay there..sit there or lie down,may be do a posture or may be just sit & breathe. Every pose or breathwork will inculcate a positive quality on an emotional level like strength,self confidence, alertness and even letting go.

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Shyft Yoga Trainer

So true 💛

March 23, 2023



March 23, 2023

Seethal Samuel

Absolutely ❤️

March 23, 2023

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