General Wellness

Dr Shweta Rao


Shyft Yoga Trainer

March 25, 2023

Postures to be practiced to relax the glutes and sides of the hip

@RAIFE as discussed y'day, putting up ur postures below. Practice them in the same alignment 1. Standing pose (Dancer pose) - make sure u r not hurting ur knee and weight is more on the heel than the toes. Go with easy breathing 2. Swiss ball pose (bridge pose) - engage ur glutes when u lift the hip up, pressing heels to the ball. Inhale lift the hip up, exhale drop it down to the mat 3. Dead bug pose - keep the belly engaged, back flat on the mat, chin tucked to the chest, inhale stretch, exhale come back to the center

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Thanks for those nice shots and for your guidance during classes and on weekends 🙏

March 25, 2023

Dr Shweta Rao

Shyft Yoga Trainer

Anytime @RAIFE😇

March 27, 2023

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