General Wellness

Sujith NK


March 28, 2023

Transformation Tuesday

When we talk about transformation, we rarely talk about being in a state of mind containing both the old and new ways of feeling, thinking and behaving. It can be a phase filled with intrigue, confusion and also immense greif. You begin to view previous challenges as roads you have successfully navigated through. Track the benefits and celebrate the mindset that helped you make these new choices. The present state of mind came from the resilience of your older version- and it calls for appreciation and gratitude. While working on yourself can be a beautiful process, there may be periods where you're over performing to fit into an idealised version of yourself. When you feel like you're constantly pushing yourself to do and be 'better', take a step back and pause. Appreciate all your versions, hug them and give them love and compassion, thank them. Be there for them. You need your old versions just as much as they need the new you.

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