Nutrition Plans for Better HealthNutrition Plans for Better Health

Nutrition Plans
for Better Health

Our approach to nutrition

At Shyft, our clinical nutritionists work with you to create personalized meal plans based on your lifestyle, health needs, and goals, using ingredients you love and have in your kitchen. Our plans focus on sustainable weight loss, improving health markers, and establishing lasting healthy habits, with regular adjustments to deliver real impact!


Experienced weight loss


Achieved health goals


Improved blood test results


Reduced bloating & acidity

How it works?

Once you've enrolled, download the Shyft app to get started -


Fill a quick onboarding form so our experts can understand your health goals and lifestyle


Get bi-weekly online video consultations with your Nutritionist; you can schedule & reschedule basis your convenience


Get weekly meal plans (with cheat days!) and healthy recipes on the app


Join our health focused community on Whatsapp
Certified Nutritionists

Clinical Nutritionists with decades of practice and proven results will guide you on your wellness journey.

Buy a 3-month personalised nutrition plan for just ₹ 6000

Focus area

Once enrolled, download the Shyft app to
schedule your appointments

What makes Shyft Nutrition Plans different?

Personal Nutritionist

1:1 consultations with your dedicated personal nutritionist who will design your journey, answer all questions and guide you throughout.

Customized for you

We don't believe in one-size-fits-all. Your program is tailored to your unique needs

Delicious & Doable Recipes

No bland deprivation here! Enjoy tasty, satisfying meals that fit your dietary needs

Any-time chat access

Stay connected with your clinical nutritionist for ongoing support and to get those quick questions answered

Motivating Community

Connect with fellow health warriors in our private WhatsApp group.

Ever since I joined Shyft, the changes in me have been clearly visible. I have lost 2 kgs in approx 35 days, that too effortlessly with healthy eating, all thanks to the nutrition plan and yoga sessions. It is carefully curated to suit my requirement, recipes are simple, and ingredients are easily available which makes it easy to follow the plan regularly and effortlessly. Shyft is the best thing that's happened to me.


Kavita Palod

Want to know our plans better?

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Real-World Transformations with Shyft

Doubt the power of Shyft? We've got your back. Check out these incredible results achieved by real Shyft participants

Experienced weight lossExperienced weight loss


Experienced weight loss

Achieved health goalsAchieved health goals


Achieved health goals

Improved blood test resultsImproved blood test results


Improved blood test results

Reduced bloating & acidityReduced bloating & acidity


Reduced bloating & acidity

Benefits You'll Feel (and See):

Kiss bloating and discomfort goodbye

Improve digestion, nutrient absorption and overall gut health

Develop lasting healthy habits for long-term gut happiness

Boost your energy levels and say goodbye to fatigue

Improve blood markers like cholesterol, uric acid, HbA1C and more

All Packages

Want to know our plans better?

Request a callback


3 Month Plan

With this plan you get
6 Consultations with your assigned Nutritionist


6 Month Plan

With this plan you get
12 Consultations with your assigned Nutritionist


12 Month Plan

With this plan you get
24 Consultations with your assigned Nutritionist

Certified Nutritionists

Clinical Nutritionists with decades of practice and proven results will guide you on your wellness journey.

Download the Shyft App for all your health needs
mobile screenshot
Download the Shyft App for all your health needs
Join Shyft's Health Community!

Get motivated to show up for your health

Expert advice and resources

Connect with like minded people

Join WhatsApp Community

Ready to keep the momentum going?

Explore our diverse range of programs designed to help you reach your unique goals.


Where can I schedule and attend my consultations?

Once you sign up, you will be able to schedule your consultations on the Shyft app. You can pick your timings & slot basis your convenience, and speak with your nutritionist.

Where will I see my diet plan?

Once your consultation is complete, you will be able to see your diet plan within 24 hours on the Shyft app. The app also hosts a large collection of healthy recipes which you can use.

Can I chat with my nutritionist?

During your program, you have unlimited chat access with your nutritionist, so you can get all your questions answered quickly!

Why is Shyft's program more effective than others?

Unlike generic or one-size-fits-all approaches, Shyft focuses on personalization and expert support to deliver real impact in fixed timelines. Our program combines scientifically backed principles with delicious, sustainable meal plans, ongoing guidance from clinical nutritionists, and a supportive community, for long-term impact.

What happens after the program?

By the end of your program, you'll be equipped with the knowledge, tools, and confidence to maintain your nutrition long-term. We'll provide you with resources and tips to keep you on track. You can also sign up for other effective Shyft programs if you want to continue on your health journey.

Ready to build the body you deserve?

Click here to register for Shyft's Single Consultation Nutrition Plan for Better Health today!

Let's get strong, together!

