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Exercises for Acid Reflux

Exercises for Acid Reflux

If you’re suffering from acid reflux you may be scared of working out as many exercises can bring out the worst symptoms of your disease. But doctors keep telling you to lose weight to cure the symptoms. Are you finding it tough to jostle between the two opposite realities? Don’t worry! We are here with a full guide on how to plan your workout regimen with acid reflux to stay healthy, safe and happy.

Acid reflux is a condition where acid from your stomach flows upwards into the oesophagus. If this occurs, you could have a bitter aftertaste in your mouth. The acid in the backwash can irritate the lining of your oesophagus.

If you only get acid reflux sometimes, you probably won’t need to make any major adjustments to your routine. It’s possible that taking an OTC pain reliever will do the trick.

However sometimes when acid reflux begins to interfere with your daily life and makes you uncomfortable more frequently it may be time to incorporate a few lifestyle changes to beat the symptoms. In addition to medication, you may need to make various modifications to your routine to feel better. This could necessitate a shift in how you usually exercise.

Exercise can have a positive or negative effect on acid reflux, depending on how you go about it. How you treat your body before and after your workout is just as important as the type of activity you undertake.

Exercise and Acid Reflux: Do’s and Don’ts

Exercising is generally recommended as the first line of defence in any disease. It helps you lose weight and tackle obesity, a condition that causes or amplifies several diseases. The symptoms of acid reflux might be mitigated or eliminated if the person maintains healthy body weight. The lower oesophagal sphincter might be affected by excess weight since it will press against the stomach. This can aggravate acid reflux symptoms.

However, you must always be careful when picking the exercise you want to perform. Some exercises can reduce blood flow to the digestive system. This can lead to a buildup of fluid in the stomach, which can cause irritation and inflammation. Pressure on the abdomen and chest from confined positions may also bring on symptoms of acid reflux.

Some examples of such motions are prolonged bending or hanging from the ceiling for core strengthening exercises. When you have acid reflux, you should avoid exercises that require you to lie flat. Avoid vigorous activities that could cause abdominal jolting.

The lower oesophagal sphincter may also be loosened by gulping air during intense exertion. The oesophagus may be exposed to acid if you do this.

Eating right before hitting the gym has been linked to an increase in acid reflux during exercise. It’s best to wait at least two or three hours before a workout if you know you’ll be eating something that will set off your symptoms.

Be hydrated and aid digestion by drinking water throughout your workout. But, remember that liquids can trigger reflux just like solids, so moderation is key.

Wear anything that allows you to move freely and is comfortable. Waistbands that are too snug might cause discomfort by increasing pressure on the abdominal area.

Low-intensity exercises for High Impact on your Acid Reflux

  • Yoga

Unlike high-intensity workouts, which can aggravate symptoms, yoga is a calm and low-impact activity that can help you feel stronger, increase flexibility, and encourage awareness. As a bonus, some evidence suggests that yoga can aid digestion as well. Avoid inverted postures like the “heads down” or “forehead squat” as they may aggravate your condition.

  • Swimming

If you want to stay in shape and not feel very tired, swimming is the best way to do it. You can even do water aerobics while standing up which is an even better option for acid reflux. By producing resistance in the form of water, the body may simulate the use of weights without really handling any.

  • Cycling

Intense cycling may aggravate symptoms, but moderate cycling is an excellent alternative. The gym also has stationary bicycles if you’re interested.

  • Walking

Even if you don’t break a sweat, going for a long walk is an excellent workout. If you have acid reflux issues and desire to exercise, you can benefit greatly from going for walks in the park, or on brisk nature walks.

  • Weight Lifting: Light

You can benefit greatly from the cardiovascular activity and even some mild weight lifting. When lifting weights, be aware of your body position and avoid bending down or making any thrusting motions that could aggravate your reflux disease.

Take away

Some who have acid reflux may find that high-impact exercise does not make their symptoms worse. So, figuring out what exercise works best for you can be done by the hit-and-trial method. See how you feel after doing some low-impact workouts. You can try a more intense fitness routine if you aren’t bothered by heartburn or any other symptoms while working out. If you are experiencing pain, it is recommended that you keep to a low-impact exercise routine. If you’re diligent and keep your diet in check, low-impact exercise can help you lose weight and improve symptoms of acid reflux.

Abhilasha Mangla

Abhilasha Mangla

Yoga, Breathwork, Meditation
With over a decade of experience in teaching yoga, meditation, and breathing practices, Abhilasha is deeply committed to helping people find balance and well-being. She has explored various practices, including dance, body movement, hatha, and ashtanga yoga, to better understand the body. Furthermore, she has delved into various mindfulness practices to deepen her comprehension of meditation and its transformative effects. read more

For reaching your health goal faster, you can also sign-up for Shyft's personalized online yoga plans. Check them out here and sign-up today!


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